The most prized rubies are pure red; however, most natural rubies are colored by traces of the mineral chromium. When the chromium is present in large amounts, the stone is considered to be “pink”. Ruby is a common gemstone in jewelry and can be found in everything from simple wedding bands to ornate crown jewels. Like sapphire and emerald, ruby is a hard stone. It's just a bit softer than sapphire. It's a solid choice for everyday wear.
With its fiery color and brilliance, the ruby has long been associated with fire and war, as well as love, passion and romance. In the Bible, for instance, the ruby is the pale red gem worn by Aaron and is believed to be the gem used to make the beautiful rosary worn by Mary, mother of Jesus. The ruby is also believed to be the gem referred to as “Tear of the Snake King” in The Song of Solomon and “The Red Feast” in the Egyptian Book of The Dead. In the East, ruby is believed to be the stone of love and is often given during engagement. In fact, in China, it is thought that if you give your lover a ruby, you will be together forever.
Rubies are most often mined in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma), Vietnam, India, and Pakistan. The word “rubies” comes from the Latin word ruber, meaning “red,” and it is associated with fire and blood. Rubies can also be orange, purple, or blue-red. The darkest red rubies are considered the most valuable. The word “ruby” was first used in English in the late 1300s. In Sanskrit, the ancient language of India, rubies were referred to as padmaraga, literally meaning “lotus-like.”
We at Ravia Jewel's house a dedicated collection of this marvelous stone. Without further delay, let’s dive into our collection of this beautiful stone.
Ruby Drop Earrings for Women
These dark red Ruby drop earrings are fancifully smaller and create a lovely presence on the ears. The earrings are crafted by hand. The earrings feature oval shape high-quality faceted cut red ruby gemstones set in a simple prong setting and make a great addition to your jewelry collection or as a gift to your loved ones or yourself.
Women's Ruby Statement Ring
This ruby ring gives its wearer strength and courage. The statement ring is a symbol of love, compassion and sympathy. Wearing this beautiful statement ring can lift your spirits, and bring out your creativity, impulse, and sensitivity.
Women's Ruby Fish Hook Style Earrings
This pair of earrings are made with beautiful rough red gems polished into a faceted shape. It’s a treat that you can fall in love with, and it works well with any outfit, especially those of your favorite color.